
Social Media
& Marketing Analytics.

Vroom. Moving at the speed of Social Media.

One step ahead of developing trends. Or two.

Production of ongoing consumer and industry driven market intelligence reports. Identification of macro and micro trends in social behavior, positive or negative sentiment drivers, as well as audience analysis are just some of the key components that we identify that can drastically improve marketing success. We provide social media based insights that determine not only the kind of audiences that are engaging with content, but ongoing analysis surrounding the content itself. This is vital, and provides real time feedback before, during, and after the launch of marketing campaigns.

How can having Social Media & Marketing Analytics help me?

Social Listening and

Social Listening is at the core of everything we do. When your target audiences talk or engage in social media in any shape or form: we listen, analyze and let you know the critical information you need in order to make your business or marketing move. We put consumer, competitive and industry intelligence at your fingertips.

Consumer and Competitive

If you want to understand the behavior, interests and unique traits around your key audiences: look no further. We organize the unstructured sea of comments and users discussion surrounding areas of interest and cluster them into pockets of insights that are actionable, and applicable to your marketing and business strategies.

Pre - Post Event or Campaign Analysis and Measurement:

Launching a high profile campaign? We set up the right measurement plan in order to ensure your complete KPI alignment and smooth reporting transition, so your team can interpret the effectiveness, and disruption, in social or digital spaces following campaign launch.