
Youth Interested in Investing – Study For 2020-2021

An opportunity to connect with this audience by understanding their online conversation.

August 20, 2021

By Paul Herrera


Maven Road, a global business intelligence firm, analyzed the 3.8 million social media posts about Youth Investing to understand the online conversation and find opportunities to connect with key audiences.

There is an opportunity for brands to connect with younger audiences according to their interests in “Youth & Investment”; only 6.8% of online conversations mentioned brands. 

[NEW YORK/AUGUST 2021] – New research by business intelligence firm Maven Road finds that the majority of Youth & Investment social media conversations were authored by users 18-35 years old (65.3%), suggesting that interest in this topic mainly stems from young adults; additionally, users between 0-18 years old published only 11.2% of the overall conversation. Furthermore, Twitter and News are the platforms where most users interact with the Youth & Investment topic. 

“As investing becomes more accessible, obtaining financial freedom is a major interest among youth today. Our objective with this study is to understand better users discussing Youth & Investment and the main topics of conversation surrounding the subject to identify strategies that could help marketers reach and capture this audience’s interest,” said Paul Herrera, COO & Co-founder at Maven Road.

“For startups and large corporations alike, youth investing is a substantive commercial opportunity. Understanding how users discuss the various topics of conversation surrounding Youth & Investment online can identify strategies that can help reach and capture this audience’s interest”, said Paul Herrera, COO & Co-founder at Maven Road.

Social Listening conducted by Maven Road indicated that users under 35 years old express the most interest in Youth & Investment, which presents an opportunity to develop initiatives that address the financial needs of younger audiences. Brands need to make a concerted marketing effort to connect with Millennials and Gen Z to create relationships with these users and their interests, such as investment. 

Throughout the study period, Wealth Management (Regulations) was the most mentioned topic among users discussing Youth & Investing, with a 65.7% share of all conversations. Applications and Platforms were one of the most mentioned topics of discussion with a 6.3% share. The most prominent conversation driver was led by users discussing Step, a banking for teens platform that garnered over $50M in funding and attracted over 500K users in the three months following their launch.

New startups are beginning to tap into this undiscovered market. One such startup, Bumper, enables teenagers (under 18) to invest in ETFs and blue-chip stocks with just $1 and an adult account sponsor. By providing educational modules and parental investing oversight, Bumper hopes to promote healthy financial habits early.

In addition, the Social Media Analysis conducted on Youth & Investment conversations provided further insight about whether parents are willing to pay for a subscription so their kids can learn about investing; teaching younger generations investing is an undeniable commercial opportunity. Financial Education & Literacy (Investing, Personal Management/Finance) is the second most mentioned topic among users discussing Youth & Investing with 15.8% share. Adults represent 88.8% of the users discussing Youth & Investing; many parents have expressed a growing interest in having their kids learn about financial literacy.

Nowadays, financial education apps and platforms aimed at young people allow parents to invest money into their child’s accounts. BusyKid is an excellent example of a startup that connects with parents’ interests; BusyKid is a subscription-based financial education app that helps parents teach their kids the importance of spending, saving, and investing.

However, even though there are good examples of startups that are listening and understanding this audience’s interests;  there is still an opportunity for brands and companies who wants to reach and capture audiences talking about Youth & Investment; when considering that only 6.8% of posts mentioned brands and organizations in the youth and investment space, it’s evident that most of the conversation is driven by users rather than companies.

“As well as companies such as BusyKid, Bumper, among others, have used social media data to obtain valuable information that helps them understand their clients; large companies need to identify new opportunities and potential marketing challenges by listening to their audiences. It’s a fact that companies need to use social media data to make informed business decisions and drive strategy to have a competitive advantage over their competitors,” mentioned Paul Herrera.

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Laura Nariño 

Senior Brand Manager – Maven Road

Paul Herrera

Paul Herrera is The Chief Operating Officer & Co-founder at Maven Road, bringing valuable knowledge in management, marketing, and data analysis. With an MBA and several years of experience in Canadian and American companies, Paul ensures a responsible and efficient operation throughout the process of developing reports.

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